Software Design
Spring 2006
Homework 1
Due: Wednesday 31 January at the beginning of lab.
The reading for this assignment is Chapters 2 and 3 of How to
think..., so you might not be able to get through it in today's lab.
Instead, let's get started, and we'll debug any problems. If you're
not able to do the whole thing now, you will be after Monday's class.
- If you have already created a user account in your Linux
partition, log into it. Otherwise, follow the instructions in
Chapter One of the Olinux Manual.
- Once you are logged in as a user (not as root), create
a terminal by right-clicking the mouse anywhere on the background
and selecting Open Terminal. A window should appear with a
prompt that ends in $.
- If you type pwd, Linux should tell you that you
are in your home directory.
- Swampy is a suite of programs I wrote that we will use in
this class. You can download it from the class web page by typing:
wget http://wb/sd/code/
A zip file is an archive that contains multiple files and sometimes
directories. You can unpack it by typing:
The result should be a directory named swampy.1.0. I
am going to recommend that you write most of your programs in
this directory, so to eliminate some typing (and confusion), you
should rename the directory using mv, which stands for `move':
mv swampy.1.0 sd
And then change directories with cd:
cd sd
Type ls to see the list of files
in this directory. These files are a work in progress. They contain
some code we will use this semester, and some code that is just there
to demonstrate various features, some old code that doesn't do
anything, and probably lots of good bugs. Over the course of the
semester, we will look over this code and you will have
the chance to improve it if you are so inclined.
- Run TurtleWorld by typing python A window
should appear with a (blank) canvas on the left and buttons on the
- Press the Make Turtle button. A turtle should appear on
the canvas and a Turtle Control panel should appear on the right.
Push the buttons in the Turtle Control panel to move the turtle
around, raise and lower the pen, and change the color of the turtle.
Here are the names of the buttons and what they do:
fd Move forward.
lt Left turn. rt Right turn.
pu Lift the pen. pd Lower the pen.
There is a text entry between bk and fd that controls
how far the turtle moves when either button is pushed. This
value is an argument for the fd (or bk) function. Change
the argument and press fd.
- Press the Run code button. It executes the code in
the text field, which should include the statements world.clear() and bob = Turtle(world). The first statement
erases all the turtles; the second line creates a new turtle named
Notice that there is no Turtle Control panel for bob. In
order to control bob, you have to write a program.
- Add a line of code to the program in the text window.
To move the turtle, try something like fd(bob, 90).
The function fd takes two arguments, the name of a turtle
and the distance you want the turtle to move. The other turtle
control functions are:
bk(turtle, distance) # move a turtle backward
lt(turtle) # turn left
rt(turtle) # turn right
pu(turtle) # pen up
pd(turtle) # pen down
- Make a few errors. If the code you type in the text field
contains an error, you should get an error message in the window you
used to run the program. The message contains information
about what was happening when the error occurred, most of which won't
make sense to you. For example, if you spell world wrong,
you'll get something like this:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/lib-tk/", line 1345, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "", line 87, in run_text
self.inter.run_code(source, '<user-provided code>')
File "", line 110, in run_code
exec code in self.globals, self.locals
File "<user-provided code>", line 2, in ?
NameError: name 'worl' is not defined
The last two lines are probably the most useful. The error
occurred in line 2 of the `user-provided code' (that means
you). It was a NameError; specifically, the name worl
is not defined.
In general, error messages are a mixed blessing. They often contain
information that helps you identify the problem, but they also contain
information that is extraneous at best and misleading at worst. When
you are starting out, it is a good idea to make errors on purpose so
that you can see what the messages look like. Try some of the
- Leave out one of the parentheses in the function call.
- Put a semi-colon at the end of a line ;)
- Change Turtle to turtle or bob to Bob.
Yup, Python is case-sensitive.
- You can define functions in the text field, too. At this
point you might want to quit the program and run it again, so we start
Now add
the following lines to the text field (after the existing lines):
def fdlt(turtle, n):
fd(turtle, n)
Read the program carefully and make sure you understand what it does.
Now run it. Did you get what you expected? Reminder: the def
statement only creates a new function; it doesn't execute it. To run
the new function, you have to invoke (or call) it.
- Add a line of code that invokes fdlt, passing bob
as the first argument and a pleasant distance like 90 as the second.
Run the program. What happens if the function call comes before the
def statement?
- The text field is convenient for typing and running a few lines
of code, but it has the annoying property of vaporizing your code
when the program quits. For longer (and longer-lived) programs, it
would be better to put the code in a file.
Use emacs to create a file named Copy and
paste the code from the text field into the file. Save the file
and then press the Run file button. It should execute your
- In, add a function called ell that
takes a turtle and a distance as parameters and draws an ell-shape
by invoking fdlt twice. Add a line of code that invokes
ell (and remove the old line that invoked fdlt).
Save the modified version of and run it
(you don't have to restart
- Add a function called square that draws a square
by invoking ell twice. Test your function.
- CHECKPOINT #1: This is the end of what I hope you will be able
to get done during the scheduled lab. If you have not read Chapter 3
yet, you should do that before you go on.
If you are confident about what you are doing, you can go on to the
next part of the homework. If not, now would be a good time to show
what you have done to me or a course assistant. If you are off track,
we can give you feedback that might save you a lot of time!
- Create a file named and write a program that
spells the letters Hello on the canvas.
You can write the letters in any style you like;
feel free to embellish them. More important than the style of
the letters is the style of the code! A good solution to this problem
should define and use functions that are well-named, demonstrably correct,
appropriately general, and reusable. Ideally, your solution should
be flexible, so that the size of the letters can be controlled by
a parameter.
For each function you write, add a comment that explains concisely
what the function does. An important piece of information to document
is where the turtle ends up at the end of the function.
- CHECKPOINT #2: This is the end of the required part of this
homework. Please review the program in and clean it
up: remove any unnecessary code, use white space to improve readability,
and make sure that your comments are complete but concise.
Add a comment at the beginning that has your name in it.
By the time this homework is due, we will set up printing and
I will give you more instructions on how to turn it in.
The following exercises are optional. You don't have to turn
them in, but if you do something cool, I would be happy to see it.
- To change the color of a turtle, try:
turtle.set_color('papaya whip')
The colors python knows about are in the file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt
- Use emacs to edit the file Under the
IM-Python menu is a list of the classes defined in this
file. The Turtle class contains a list of functions that
define the behavior of turtles. Select the fd function
in the Turtle class. Change fd so that when turtles
draw lines, the lines are the same color as the turtles.
Modify so that each letter is a different color.
- See if you can figure out how to change the thickness of a
line. Hint: type man canvas..
- Go to the function Turtle.draw and see if you can
figure it out. Can you make it draw a two-headed turtle? A turtle
with a square shell? A turtle with thick legs? Or red legs?
Or a really big turtle? Or a turtle that gets bigger depending on
how far it is from the center of the screen?
- Type the following code in the text field (or in
def hello():
bob = Turtle(world)
world.bu(text='hello', command=hello)
Run it. Does it make your head hurt?
- Try this code:
world.bu(text='Stop', command=world.stop)
In the next week or two we will start animating turtles.
- Look over the rest of and see how much sense
you can make of it. As I wrote this program, I tried to demonstrate
a variety of Python features, and also many of the design patterns
we will be talking about this semester.