Here is the .bib file.
- 1
Mark Allman and Vern Paxson.
On estimating end-to-end network path properties.
In SIGCOMM, pages 263-274, 1999.
- 2
Eitan Altman, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Chadi Barakat, and Rudesindo Nu nez
TCP modeling in the presence of nonlinear window growth.
Technical Report RR-4312, INRIA, Novemeber 2001.
- 3
M. Aron and P. Druschel.
TCP: Improving startup dynamics by adaptive timers and congestion
Technical report, Dept. of Computer Science, Rice University, 1998.
- 4
Chadi Barakat and Eitan Altman.
Performance of short TCP transfers.
In NETWORKING, volume 1815 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 567-579. Springer, 2000.
- 5
Paul Barford, Azer Bestavros, Adam Bradley, and Mark Crovella.
Changes in web client access patterns: Characteristics and caching
World Wide Web, Special Issue on Characterization and
Performance Evaluation, 2:15-28, 1999.
- 6
Paul Barford and Mark Crovella.
Critical path analysis of TCP transactions.
In SIGCOMM, pages 127-138, 2000.
- 7
Jean-Chrysostome Bolot.
Characterizing end-to-end packet delay and loss in the internet.
Journal of High Speed Networks, 2(3):289-298, September 1993.
- 8
Lawrence S. Brakmo and Larry L. Peterson.
TCP vegas: End to end congestion avoidance on a global internet.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
13(8):1465-1480, 1995.
- 9
Neal Cardwell, Stefan Savage, and Thomas Anderson.
Modeling TCP latency.
In INFOCOM (3), pages 1742-1751, 2000.
- 10
Robert Carter and Mark Crovella.
Measuring bottleneck link speed in packet-switched networks.
Technical Report TR-1996-006, Computer Science Dept., Boston
University, 1996.
- 11
Claudio Casetti and Michela Meo.
A new approach to model the stationary behavior of TCP connections.
In INFOCOM (1), pages 367-375, 2000.
- 12
Constantinos Dovrolis, Parameswaran Ramanathan, and David Moore.
Packet dispersion techniques and capacity estimation.
Submitted to submitted to IEEE/ACM Transactions in Networking.
- 13
A. Fekete and G. Vattay.
On buffer limited congestion window dynamics and packet loss.
In IEEE Internet Performance Symposium, November 2002.
- 14
Sally Floyd.
Connections with multiple congested gateways in packet-switched
networks part 1: One-way traffic.
ACM Computer Communication Review, 21(5):30-47, October 1991.
- 15
Sally Floyd and Van Jacobson.
Traffic phase effects in packet-switched gateways.
Journal of Internetworking: Practice and Experience,
3(3):115-156, September 1992.
- 16
Janey C. Hoe.
Improving the start-up behavior of a congestion control scheme for
In ACM SIGCOMM, pages 270-280, 1996.
- 17
Van Jacobson and Michael J. Karels.
Congestion avoidance and control.
In SIGCOMM, pages 314-329, 1988.
- 18
S. Keshav.
A control-theoretic approach to flow control.
In ACM SIGCOMM, pages 3-15, 1991.
- 19
Kevin Lai and Mary Baker.
Measuring bandwidth.
In IEEE INFOCOM, pages 235-245, 1999.
- 20
T. Lakshman and U. Madhow.
The performance of tcp/ip for networks with high bandwidth-delay
products and random loss.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 5(3):336-350, July 1997.
- 21
T. V. Lakshman, Upamanyu Madhow, and Bernhard Suter.
Window-based error recovery and flow control with a slow
acknowledgement channel: A study of TCP/IP performance.
In INFOCOM (3), pages 1199-1209, 1997.
- 22
M. Mathis, J. Semke, and J. Mahdavi.
The macroscopic behavior of the TCP congestion avoidance algorithm.
Computer Communications Review, 27(3), 1997.
- 23
Marco Mellia, Ion Stoica, and Hui Zhang.
Tcp model for short lived flows.
IEEE Communications Letters, 6(2):85-88, February 2002.
- 24
Archan Misra and Teunis J. Ott.
The window distribution of idealized TCP congestion avoidance with
variable packet loss.
In INFOCOM (3), pages 1564-1572, 1999.
- 25
Vishal Misra, W. Gong, and Don Towsley.
Stochastic differential equation modeling and analysis of tcp
windowsize behavior.
Technical Report ECE-TR-CCS-99-10-01, University of Massachusetts,
- 26
S. B. Moon, J. Kurose, P. Skelly, and D. Towsley.
Correlation of packet delay and loss in the Internet.
Technical Report UM-CS-1998-011, University of Massachusetts, March
- 27
Wael Noureddine and Fouad Tobagi.
The transmission control protocol.
Technical report, Stanford University, July 2002.
- 28
T. Ott, J. Kemperman, and M. Mathis.
Window size behavior in tcp/ip with constant loss probability.
In IEEE HPCS, June 1997.
- 29
Jitedra Padhye, Victor Firoiu, and Don Towsley.
A stochastic model of TCP reno congestion avoidance and control.
Technical Report CMPSCI 99-02, University of Massachusetts, 1999.
- 30
Jitedra Padhye, Victor Firoiu, Don Towsley, and Jim Krusoe.
Modeling TCP throughput: A simple model and its empirical
In ACM SIGCOMM, pages 303-314, 1998.
- 31
Craig Partridge, Dennis Rockwell, Mark Allman, Rajesh Krishnan, and James
A swifter start for tcp.
Technical Report 8339, BBN, March 2002.
- 32
Vern Paxson.
End-to-end Internet packet dynamics.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 7(3):277-292, 1999.
- 33
B. Sikdar, S. Kalyanaraman, and K. Vastola.
Analytic models for the latency and steady-state throughput of TCP
tahoe, reno and SACK.
In IEEE GLOBECOM, pages 1781-1787, November 2001.
- 34
B. Sikdar, S. Kalyanaraman, and K. Vastola.
TCP Reno with random losses: Latency, throughput and sensitivity
In IEEE IPCCC, pages 188-195, April 2001.
- 35
Rich Wolski, Neil T. Spring, and Jim Hayes.
The Network Weather Service: a distributed resource performance
forecasting service for metacomputing.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 15(5-6):757-768, 1999.