

Here is the .bib file.

Mark Allman and Vern Paxson.
On estimating end-to-end network path properties.
In SIGCOMM, pages 263-274, 1999.

Eitan Altman, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Chadi Barakat, and Rudesindo Nu nez Queija.
TCP modeling in the presence of nonlinear window growth.
Technical Report RR-4312, INRIA, Novemeber 2001.

M. Aron and P. Druschel.
TCP: Improving startup dynamics by adaptive timers and congestion control.
Technical report, Dept. of Computer Science, Rice University, 1998.

Chadi Barakat and Eitan Altman.
Performance of short TCP transfers.
In NETWORKING, volume 1815 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 567-579. Springer, 2000.

Paul Barford, Azer Bestavros, Adam Bradley, and Mark Crovella.
Changes in web client access patterns: Characteristics and caching implications.
World Wide Web, Special Issue on Characterization and Performance Evaluation, 2:15-28, 1999.

Paul Barford and Mark Crovella.
Critical path analysis of TCP transactions.
In SIGCOMM, pages 127-138, 2000.

Jean-Chrysostome Bolot.
Characterizing end-to-end packet delay and loss in the internet.
Journal of High Speed Networks, 2(3):289-298, September 1993.

Lawrence S. Brakmo and Larry L. Peterson.
TCP vegas: End to end congestion avoidance on a global internet.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 13(8):1465-1480, 1995.

Neal Cardwell, Stefan Savage, and Thomas Anderson.
Modeling TCP latency.
In INFOCOM (3), pages 1742-1751, 2000.

Robert Carter and Mark Crovella.
Measuring bottleneck link speed in packet-switched networks.
Technical Report TR-1996-006, Computer Science Dept., Boston University, 1996.

Claudio Casetti and Michela Meo.
A new approach to model the stationary behavior of TCP connections.
In INFOCOM (1), pages 367-375, 2000.

Constantinos Dovrolis, Parameswaran Ramanathan, and David Moore.
Packet dispersion techniques and capacity estimation.
Submitted to submitted to IEEE/ACM Transactions in Networking.

A. Fekete and G. Vattay.
On buffer limited congestion window dynamics and packet loss.
In IEEE Internet Performance Symposium, November 2002.

Sally Floyd.
Connections with multiple congested gateways in packet-switched networks part 1: One-way traffic.
ACM Computer Communication Review, 21(5):30-47, October 1991.

Sally Floyd and Van Jacobson.
Traffic phase effects in packet-switched gateways.
Journal of Internetworking: Practice and Experience, 3(3):115-156, September 1992.

Janey C. Hoe.
Improving the start-up behavior of a congestion control scheme for TCP.
In ACM SIGCOMM, pages 270-280, 1996.

Van Jacobson and Michael J. Karels.
Congestion avoidance and control.
In SIGCOMM, pages 314-329, 1988.

S. Keshav.
A control-theoretic approach to flow control.
In ACM SIGCOMM, pages 3-15, 1991.

Kevin Lai and Mary Baker.
Measuring bandwidth.
In IEEE INFOCOM, pages 235-245, 1999.

T. Lakshman and U. Madhow.
The performance of tcp/ip for networks with high bandwidth-delay products and random loss.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 5(3):336-350, July 1997.

T. V. Lakshman, Upamanyu Madhow, and Bernhard Suter.
Window-based error recovery and flow control with a slow acknowledgement channel: A study of TCP/IP performance.
In INFOCOM (3), pages 1199-1209, 1997.

M. Mathis, J. Semke, and J. Mahdavi.
The macroscopic behavior of the TCP congestion avoidance algorithm.
Computer Communications Review, 27(3), 1997.

Marco Mellia, Ion Stoica, and Hui Zhang.
Tcp model for short lived flows.
IEEE Communications Letters, 6(2):85-88, February 2002.

Archan Misra and Teunis J. Ott.
The window distribution of idealized TCP congestion avoidance with variable packet loss.
In INFOCOM (3), pages 1564-1572, 1999.

Vishal Misra, W. Gong, and Don Towsley.
Stochastic differential equation modeling and analysis of tcp windowsize behavior.
Technical Report ECE-TR-CCS-99-10-01, University of Massachusetts, 1999.

S. B. Moon, J. Kurose, P. Skelly, and D. Towsley.
Correlation of packet delay and loss in the Internet.
Technical Report UM-CS-1998-011, University of Massachusetts, March 1998.

Wael Noureddine and Fouad Tobagi.
The transmission control protocol.
Technical report, Stanford University, July 2002.

T. Ott, J. Kemperman, and M. Mathis.
Window size behavior in tcp/ip with constant loss probability.
In IEEE HPCS, June 1997.

Jitedra Padhye, Victor Firoiu, and Don Towsley.
A stochastic model of TCP reno congestion avoidance and control.
Technical Report CMPSCI 99-02, University of Massachusetts, 1999.

Jitedra Padhye, Victor Firoiu, Don Towsley, and Jim Krusoe.
Modeling TCP throughput: A simple model and its empirical validation.
In ACM SIGCOMM, pages 303-314, 1998.

Craig Partridge, Dennis Rockwell, Mark Allman, Rajesh Krishnan, and James Sterbenz.
A swifter start for tcp.
Technical Report 8339, BBN, March 2002.

Vern Paxson.
End-to-end Internet packet dynamics.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 7(3):277-292, 1999.

B. Sikdar, S. Kalyanaraman, and K. Vastola.
Analytic models for the latency and steady-state throughput of TCP tahoe, reno and SACK.
In IEEE GLOBECOM, pages 1781-1787, November 2001.

B. Sikdar, S. Kalyanaraman, and K. Vastola.
TCP Reno with random losses: Latency, throughput and sensitivity analysis.
In IEEE IPCCC, pages 188-195, April 2001.

Rich Wolski, Neil T. Spring, and Jim Hayes.
The Network Weather Service: a distributed resource performance forecasting service for metacomputing.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 15(5-6):757-768, 1999.