How to Install and Configure INN
under RedHat Linux 7.2
by Allen B. Downey
Assuming that you didn't install INN during installation, you
can do it later with the rpm files.
Put disk #1 in the cdrom drive and
mount /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
rpm -i cleanfeed-0.95.7b-12.noarch.rpm inn-2.3.2-5.i386.rpm
Some of the files that get created are:
# cron jobs that expire messages, etc.
# configuration files
# startup scripts
# executables
# libraries
# documentation
# history files and related stuff
# spooled articles
The following instructions are for a centralized server that
doesn't get any feeds from outside or provide articles to
other peers.
- Become the news user
su - news
- Edit configuration files
Change directory to /etc/news. For all of the following,
you just have to edit and/or uncomment things that are
already there.
In inn.conf, set the name of your organization:
organization: Rocky's News Server
In storage.conf, add:
method tradspool {
newsgroups: *
class: 0
In readers.conf, add:
auth "local" {
hosts: "*,"
default: ""
access "local" {
users: ""
newsgroups: "*"
- Create the history database
This part is stupid, but here's how to do it.
cd /var/lib/news
makedbz -i
chmod 664 *n*
mv history.n.dir history.dir
mv history.n.hash history.hash
mv history.n.index history.index
- Start the daemon
/etc/init.d/innd start
If you want the daemon to start at boot time, run
chkconfig innd on
- Create a group
The first group I created was called freesoftware.
ctlinnd newgroup freesoftware
- Use a client to test the configuration
I used xrn
xrn &
Obviously, these directions are specific to a very simple
configuration. If you want to do something more complicated,
you have to read other INN documentation. Good luck!