Almost done?
I thought I would be done this week, but it looks like there will be one more chapter. If you don’t know, I am working on a book that includes updated articles from this blog, plus new examples, and pulls the whole thing together. So far, it’s going well. I have consistently finished one chapter per month and I am almost done.
The problem is that several times a chapter has mitosed (it’s a word) into multiple chapters. In the most extreme case, the material I thought would be one chapter turned into four, and I think I’m going to cut one of them.
Most recently, what I thought was the last chapter has turned into two. The first is about Simpson’s paradox, including this mandatory example from the ubiquitous penguin dataset:

The new chapter is about Overton’s window. Fortunately, before the mitosis, I had written a substantial chunk of it, so I think I can finish it in less than a month.
I have posted a few excerpts from the book already, about Preston’s paradox, long-tailed distributions, and our old friend the Gaussian distribution. Once I send the draft off for technical review, I should have time to post a few more.
Until then, if you would like to get infrequent email announcements about the book, please sign up below. I’ll let you know about milestones, promotions, and other news, but not more than one email per month. I will not share your email or use this list for any other purpose.