What’s new in Think Bayes 2?
I’m happy to report that the second edition of Think Bayes is available for preorder now.

What’s new in the second edition?
- I wrote a new Chapter 1 that introduces conditional probability using the Linda the Banker problem and data from the General Social Survey.
- I added new chapters on survival analysis, linear regression, logistic regression, conjugate priors, MCMC, and ABC.
- I added a lot of new examples and exercises, most from classes I taught using the first edition.
- I rewrote all of the code using NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas (rather than basic Python types). The new code is shorter, clearer, and faster!
- For every chapter, there’s a Jupyter notebook where you can read the text, run the code, and work on exercises. You can run the notebooks on your own computer or, if you don’t want to install anything, you can run them on Colab.
More generally, the second edition reflects everything I’ve learned in the 10 years since I started the first edition, and it benefits from the comments, suggestions, and corrections I’ve received from readers. I think it’s really good!
If you would like to preorder, click here.