The library of data visualization
Getting ready for my Data Science class (starting next week!) I am updating my data visualization library, looking for resources to help students learn about visualization.
Last week I asked Twitter to help me find resources, especially new ones. Here’s the thread. Thank you to everyone who responded!
I’ll try to summarize and organize the responses. I am mostly interested in books and web pages about visualization, rather than examples of it or tools for doing it.
There are lots of good books; to impose some order, I put them in three categories: newer work, the usual suspects, and moldy oldies.
Newer books
The following are some newer books (or at least new to me).
Fundamentals of Data Visualization, by Claus O. Wilke (online preview of a book forthcoming from O’Reilly)
Data Visualization: A practical introduction Kieran Healy (free online draft)
Data Visualization: Charts, Maps, and Interactive Graphics Robert Grant
Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design by Andy Kirk
Dear Data by Giorgia Lupi, Stefanie Posavec
Established books
The following are more established books that appear on most lists.
The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization by Alberto Cairo
The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication by Alberto Cairo
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web by Scott Murray
Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
Beautiful Visualization: Looking at Data through the Eyes of Experts by Julie Steele
Designing Data Visualizations: Representing Informational Relationships by Noah Iliinsky, Julie Steele
Visualization Analysis and Design by Tamara Munzner
Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics by Nathan Yau
Data Points: Visualization That Means Something by Nathan Yau
Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten by Stephen Few
Now You See It: Simple Visualization Techniques for Quantitative Analysis by Stephen Few
Older books
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward R. Tufte
The Elements of Graphing Data by William S. Cleveland
Websites and blogs
Again, I mostly went for sites that are about visualization, rather than examples of it.
The Data Visualisation Catalogue
More references and resources from MPA 635: DATA VISUALIZATION
Videos and podcasts
The Art of Data Visualization | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
 Data Stories A podcast on data visualization with Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner
Python-specific resources
Python Plotting for Exploratory Data Analysis
How to visualize data in Python